Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chapultepec, once more

Inner tourist re-inspired, part two.

Forested park within the city - Chapultepec.

First off, the very European Castillo de Chapultepec.

A ceiling mural:

Part of Juan O'Gorman's Retablo de la Independencia.

Part of David Alfaro Siqueiros' Del Porfiriato a la Revolucion.

I'd only discovered half a dozen rooms inside. Is that it? I'm glad I came on free Sunday! Then, I went on to find the rest of the castillo and exhibits. I walked all the way around the balcony of the castillo, and peered into the various rooms. That also led to other staircases, rooms, and views. That's more like it.

He can boast that he works at a castle. But... the pay isn't likely good by any stretch.

The Angel of Independence statue:

My next stop was at the Museo de Caracol, replete with models and descriptions of the history of Mexico. Not much photo-worthy, though.

Onto the Museo de Arte Moderno.

A ceiling display:

Lots of interesting, creepy-cool art.

Lots of great photography too.

Enjoyable, despite several exhibits being closed.

Last stop, the Jardin Botanico.

A fuzzy bee on a fuzzy flower.

I was on my way home when I bumped into two friends. So random in a big city like DF, even though it was in a tourist-y area.

Funnier still, because I know them separately and have been meaning to introduce them since they're both guys from New York, but they just happened to meet in the street a few days ago. New Yorkers, loving to bullshit and say exactly what's on their direct mind.

We went to a dollar store and a market. Who buys condoms at the dollar store?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for more pics of even more things I didn't see while there--except for the Angel. I love the stained glass, and randomly meeting your friends.
