Saturday, June 18, 2011

A few more places, things

The Vasconcelos Library, with 'floating' or 'suspended' bookshelves.

Sleeping in the Zona Rosa...

sleeping in the Centro.

On the metro you can always find people selling things. Chicles (gum), sin azucar, solo por cinco pesos! Gloves, sudoku booklets, pens with pullout metro maps, toys, and many more things. The blind often wander through the trains with speakers strapped onto their bodies, playing mix CDs they've created. Some of them truly are blind, but others just fake it.

You can also find clowns and beggars. This guy was carrying around a cloth full of broken glass shards and slamming his scarred and bloody back upon the pieces.

A night of live reggae at a bar in La Condesa with a friend.

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