Everyone said "you have to go to Xochimilco," and they were right.
On the way there we passed by this odd-looking building.
My friends had the idea to pour beer into the flower vase one of them got for his grandma. Then, add tequila. Pretty heavy to drink from, and it got a lot of attention.
The boats of Xochimilco. You can rent trajineras by the hour to take you along the crowded canals. People bring/buy food, drinks, and music for the boat ride.
No surprise - food and trinkets were for sale in other boats all around us.
Mariachi players trying to convince us to buy a song. We were later serenaded by three songs, while dancing on the front of the boat.
Dolls and teddybears were strung across the shore in some areas. For extra dinero, you can hire a trajinera to take you to la Isla De Las Muñecas which is entirely covered in dolls.
Care for a bonsai?
There were lots of stray dogs there, and they'd just be sitting on the shore watching people pass by.
A Canadian flag
Reyna Elizabeth
There were lots of nurseries along the way too. If you want to stop at one, or a bathroom, you just have to ask your 'driver' to pull over.
Una divertida fiesta de baile flotante!