I walked to Wal-Mart today, and on the way back I sat down on a sidewalk. When I was a few minutes from the house, I realized I'd lost my piece-of-crap cellphone. It may be a POS, but it would be a hassle to get another, and it did have 2 contacts in it already (one of which is a business English course company I may begin working for).
I trudged back to the spot where I'd sat and lo and behold, there the pathetic thing was, turned over and covered in a light film of dirt. Needless to say, we were happily reunited & I promise to appreciate my little Alcatel more.
So not like me to lose stuff like that. I remember losing my first cellphone though. I was upset and distracted after hearing about a family illness. Nothing like an upset to distract me and make me lose my mind and important objects. :( .... This is too depressing for the last post of the year, but tomorrow I'll detail New Years Mexican style.