Saturday, December 25, 2010

This is Mexico

Metro ticket office. Not tequila.

Most of the buses here are pretty basic. Seats. Windows. A floor. It's common to see people crowded onto the bus and standing in the stairwell, perhaps jumping off mid-motion.

Now and then you'll bump into a party version bus, replete with stickers, a pimped out driver's seat, and speakers bustin' out Aventura or party music.

Piñatas every everywhere. Of every colour and shape.

I live with a lizard!

And puppies! The mom had 5, but only 3 have survived. I can't wait to see what baby hot dogs running around looks like.

Appreciate your dryers people. My clothes have dried pretty quickly here so far, even though it's winter and quite cold out at times. I remember my jeans and towels taking three days to be semi-dry in Taiwan.

Mexico, I apologize in advance for all the photos I will take of confused people looking at me, wondering why I want a photo of them (and without offering to pay).

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