A kind invite from the family to the Chinatown in Mexico City. I think it's a whole block long and I didn't see a single Chinese person.
Some fried flour things awaited us. They're the peanuts of bars, I guess.
It was a mish-mash of lots of things. The Chinese food came with a dish of limes, so there was no doubt that we were in fact in Mexico.
Everybody hated the tea. There's no sugar! "It tastes like puke to me."
I drank the whole pot by myself :)
Hmm.... Where's the fortune?
We stopped for ice cream after. It's kept in these metal containers. It always amazes me how the ice cream stays cool in the heat here.
Strawberries & cream it is!
The food looks good but I'm trying to imagine it with limes. Tea - lol.