Saturday, January 15, 2011

Feeling less seasick

I was back at work Thursday morning, feeling better but not all there either.

I sat there for the first 45 min by myself. One of my students came later. It's a small group, but than one usually come. I guess the schedule change messed a few of them up.

After class I took the metro and walked around Chapultepec and Insurgentes.

This is the famous El Ángel de la Independencia statue:

Ride one of the free bikes along Reforma. You can pay for an annual membership or pay a refundable deposit and use it for the hour or day.

I was waiting to meet a friend who was to let me sit in on a few of his one-to-one classes, introduce me to some contacts, and be a general all-around help. I grabbed a salad while I was waiting. The salad tasted pretty good because I was hungry and all the fresh veggies were at my feet. Then, I realized that it all tasted kind of rubbery.


  1. I'm glad you a little better.
    The Angel looks bigger than I remember. Our hotel was nearby, did you look for it?
    The salad is making me hungry!

  2. I need to look on a map to see what the cross street is....
