Monday, January 31, 2011

Tlatelolco & the Plaza de las Tres Culturas

On a windy Saturday we started off in the Centro for some live drumming, snacks, and hot chocolate.

We walked northward through Tepito to a quiet park.

We ended up at the Plaza de las Tres Culturas. "[I]t symbolizes the fusion of Pre-Hispanic and Spanish roots into the Mexican mestizo identity."

You can see (a dark shot of) pyramids:

There's a church - the Templo de Santiago. The modern part of the trio is the Centro Cultural Universitario.

The latter is the sight where 300-400 protesting students were gunned down on October 2, 1968 on the eve of the Olympic Games.


  1. Music on the street. In Mexico. Nice.
    GM would go crazy over the brugmansia; I'll tell her. :-)
